Canadian Cannabis Act

Do you have a green thumb? If so, you may want to consider growing your own cannabis!

Most people know that weed is now legal in Canada, but for some reason, people have not caught onto the fact that most Canadians in Ontario are permitted to grow up to FOUR cannabis plants per household. Thank you, Canadian Cannabis Act!

While four may seem like a small number, context is important! Four minutes to wake up, and get ready for work? Good luck. But four cannabis plants? Have you seen a fully grown cannabis plant? Results will vary depending on the strain and growing conditions, but those things can grow!

There are some other things to consider, such as whether you will grow them in your backyard or indoors. Fair warning though, outdoor plants do end up being of lower quality than those grown indoors! And of course, you would need to set aside a dedicated space indoors and take care of your plants if you go the indoor route. Pros and cons all around!

And for those without a green thumb, your local dispensaries and weed delivery services will always welcome you!